Queer vision
at pride of the déise

Pride of the Déise promotes Irish LGBTQIA+ film makers and film making talent, bringing their work to the forefront of our online Pride festival this year.

The festival seeks to thematically explore the many facets of queer life, including films that deal with the challenges facing our LGBTQIA+ siblings in Ireland and worldwide.

Find out More about Pride of the Déise

waterford, Ireland

LGBTQIA+ Film Festival

This year's Queer Vision Film Festival will be screening across two days from Wednesday, May 29th and Thursday, May 30th.

To see the categories and which films are featured in them, follow the link here

Queer Vision Film Screenings are 18+ events. To book a free spot at the in-person screenings click here.

By submitting your details below you confirm that you are 18+ years of age and you agree with Pride of the Déise Safe Space policy.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time. If you sign up usuing this form we will only contact you about Queer Vision screenings for 2024.